Thursday, May 7, 2009

3 posts for price of one Euro

Let me first apologize for late posts. Wifi when I pay for it, works beautifully, but when its free, no good.

Germany was nice, but intimidating, its reputation had me a little uneasy, weird I know. The people were ok, not overly friendly, but polite. The weather was very cool, almost cold.

Austria was absolutely beautiful, gives my New Zealand a run for its money as far as beautiful mountains, and scenery. We were in the Alps. And it was warm, unbelievable. The hotel was gorgeous, and we got the biggest room so far. Our view was breathtaking, and Im not exaggeratting. We stayed overnight in Innsbruck.

We travel and sightsee all day, from early morning, up at 6 on the bus by 7 or 730 and then in the hotel for the night at around 8. We see lots but even im tired at night. Mom is a trooper, somehow she is getting around and seeing everything,,, she has made plenty of friends, everyone seems to love her as much we do. There is a couple from New Zealand, I'm their stalker, poor things. The trip so far is lovely.I'm having a nice time and taking plenty of pics,, posted a few, I dont like to post too many unedited, I do have a reputation to uphold. I will flood flickr with them and with better explanations of what you are looking at, when i have time, probably when I get home,, but flickr does have a taste...... Brian

p.s I'm being followed.
It started late one night in London. I felt the need to walk around and get my bearings. Mom was tired so I left her in the room. It wasnt too late around 10, and the moon was full,, air cool, but dry and there was a fine misty fog blowing in. Perfect London weather. Just what you see in the movies. We stayed in Kensington, which I was told is a very expensive area. Diana had a place there. So I felt safe to walk at night. I got mixed up to where I was and must've made a wrong turn. I happened past an old church, very Gothic, very old looking. Appeared to be abandoned. There was a very well dressed man standing at the bottom of the stairs. He had long blonde hair. Wore a beautiful long black coat, almost a cape, which is why I started to stare. My first thought was, wow I love that coat! I decided to cross the street away from him, my 911 instincts telling me to be careful, esp in stange lands. Before I got to the curb, he was at my side, startling me. In beautiful French accented English, he asked if I knew the time. 1/2 past 11. I said. A noise in the alley behind me, made me jump, straight up, I almost flew, right there. Merci Beacoup, he said. As his very icy blue eyes, scanned the place where the noise came from. He then walked in that direction. me. I hurried across the street, running more like it. Freaked out. All the while wondering if my hair was now a pale white.. I heard him chuckle. Chills went up and down my spine. I broke the Olympic 100 meter dash back to my hotel. Mom thought I was crazy, asking if I had stopped in a pub and had some English beer. Laughing, I went to bed, thinking I had read to many horror stories, and seen Too many movies. The next day, we arrived in Hamburg, Germany. No a/c so we left the window open. Beautiful breeze, made sleeping very peaceful. Innsbruck was another story. The weather was so warm, no breeze thru the windows and I kept hearing voices. The windows in our room, were these huge Gothic windows, that opened over the street. Both windows opened. While changing, Mom whispered to me, that someone was trying to get into our room. I crept over and heard someone trying first the door handle and then the lock. My hair stood straight up. Who is there I yelled in the deepest voice I could muster. Whover took off running. The wind suddenly blew the curtains in our room so hard,I ran to the window, thinking a storm had hit. As I approached the window, I thought I heard someone whisper my name. Looking down onto the street below I saw a young boy perhaps a teen arguing with his girlfriend, she was running from him and he kept calling out to her. Bela was her name I think. He gave me a very odd look. But across the street. under the only lamp light in the whole town, was the Frenchman!!!!Im sure of it. I saw long blonde hair. He had a hat on, I could not see his face, but thought he was smiling! Mom was yelling to close the windows, she was cold, as I grabbed the handle, he looked directly in my face. I peed my pants and farted. No kidding. This is too weird. Am I dreaming! Mom suggested I see the Hotel Doctor. Maybe he could give me something, She thinks the high altitude of the Alps is affecting me. I told her, I have my own sleeping pills, and I was too embarrassed to talk to anyone. But I slept like a log, best sleep I've had in years. As a matter of fact,Mom had to wake me in the morning. I was soo tired. In the bus I couldnt keep my eyes open, first tie for that, usually Im soo busy looking out the windows snapping pictures, I dont notice how long we are sitting on the bus. But today, I couldnt keep my eyes open. Normally I dont pay any attention to the chatter on the bus, butI thought I heard someone mention Vampires. My ears pricked up. Evidently the hotel staff were talking about Vampyri, and old mountain myths come to life.. Probably to scare us... Today we are off to Venice, I'm going to ask around, and keep my eyes and ears open,,,,,,,, B

1 comment:

Joanie said...

NNNNOOOO!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!! J.K. Rawling be DAMNED!!!!