Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Texting While Driving PSA

A lesson for everyone! Especially teens!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Whitney is Back

I have always loved her voice, and Thankfully, she is returning with this beautiful single
I look to you

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Wheel of Time

Hey guys!
I am now on book 4 of the "Wheel of Time" series. It is called "The Shadow Rising." It is so wonderful and amazing! My uncle was right when he told me that I would love 'em. I am so happy that I listened to him. He is now gonna start reading with me, I think is gonna start today or tomorrow. I might hangout with him Sunday or Monday, whichever, we will have a lot to talk about this book. I can't wait. Also, I wanted to say is that I really enjoyed the new Harry Potter movie! In my opinion, they could of changed it to make it a lot better. But it was still very good. Even though I knew what was gonna happen at the end, I still did not want to watch it. It was very sad. The seventh book was my favorite, so I hope they do a wonderful job!
School just started and I am now a junior! It is exciting, I can't wait to get started with French,, I will love it! I will write soon,,
Au revior! -Timmy

Sunday, August 16, 2009

District 9

Hate to say it, but I was a little disappointed. It's not a bad movie, it just wasn't what I expected and it wasn't so fantastic that I could over look that. Timmy was impressed either. Cant wait for Where the Wild Things are, hopefully it Will be great. I carried that book with me everywhere,,,M