When I was in Paris with Sue. I could not get some Disney songs out of my head. Little Town (Little town full of little people, waking up to say,,,, bonjour) from Beauty and the Beast, and this one, from Hunchback. Especially climbing the Steps of Notre Dame. I would sing a line and Sue would look at my like I was crazy. Hunchback was before her kids time. They are too young to have seen Hunchback. Nor does she have the same kind of Mother I do,, Mom and I went to the drive in together to see this, no kids in sight! We do enjoy the Musicals. And The music in this show is some of my favorite music from anything from Disney. I secretly felt an affinity with Quasi. Anyway, This song was playing in my head the whole time climbing the stairs and looking at the bell. Its now become a part of my memory of Notre Dame.
p.s 2 cameos appear in this,the carpet from Aladdin and Belle from Beauty and the Beast! Look Closely!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
In case You Forgot
Sometimes we go about our busy lives, always thinking ahead, and not remembering now, whats happening now. I catch myself doing that too,, I'm always looking to the next adventure, The next place to visit. A friend at work took me aside before New Zealand and made me promise that everyday, I would stop and just sit, enjoy the moment, remember why and how I got here. Put everything into focus. She knew I worked too hard to let it speed pass. I did that! And I'm thankful I did. ( Thanks Natasha ) 2 years have passed since that trip, And I could remember every detail. So much so that I let an important reason for going start to slip past. My love for this movie. Since coming home I haven't watched it once, bits and pieces, so I can point out where the Twins and I traveled, But never sat down and watched it end to end. Surprisingly, I don't listen to the music anymore either, I had forgotten how much I loved it. Self analysis. Maybe I didn't want to revisit LOTR because of the profound effect this trip had on me. It really did change my life. I became who I always wanted to be. Old demons and Ghosts no longer haunt. I knew the trip would be the boys and mine, last big event. They are growing up, they don't want to hang with me anymore ( Damn Girls! ). I'm not Magical for them anymore. I'm not special or as special. My books and stories don't capture their imagination like it once did. That's life. I came across this clip, and emotions flooded back. I had forgotten my love, my precious. It brought tears to my eyes. I think I'm ready for another adventure. The Road goes ever on. Namarie.
p.s. Anyone up for a movie marathon, guess whats playing!!!!
p.s. Anyone up for a movie marathon, guess whats playing!!!!
Lord of the Rings,
Middle Earth,
Sir Ian McKellen
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Extra

Brett Beattie,
Guillermo del Toro,
King Theoden,
Lord of the Rings
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I'm writing u a blog.
Hello everyone, it has been a while since I wrote, but I'm doing just fine. I'm going to 10th grade next year, but I can not play football this year cause of my leg but its OK. I hope Uncle Max could be an extra in the hobbit. That would be AMAZING!!!!. Uncle Max's block party was fun. I was mostly waiting for my favorite T.V. show Avatar to come on. My brothers and I won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in his trivia contest. I hope in August, I'm done wearing a cast on my leg , but in the long run it could be good for my leg. Well, that is all I have to talk about now. See you all later. Naramie Thomas.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Hobbit Update
The following are excerpts from The Hobbit FAQ from The One Ring.Net. A leading Lord of the Rings Internet site. The usually have the most factual and current news on the Web! These excerpts apply to question asked about the upcoming movie" The Hobbit. I have added my two cents in blue.
1.2. What will be in the second movie?
If The Hobbit does comprise the first film. The second movie will cover some of the events in Middle-earth during the 60 years between the end of The Hobbit, when Bilbo returns to Bag End in the year 2941 of the Third Age, and the Long Expected Party that opens The Fellowship of the Ring, in the year 3001 of the Third Age. According to PJ: “At this stage, we’re not imagining a film that literally covers 60 years, like a bio-pic or documentary. We would figure out what happens during that 60 years, and choose one short section of time to drop in and dramatise for the screen.”
Possible events that could be included:
- Sauron returns to Mordor
- Gollum ventures from the Misty Mountains in search of Bilbo and ends up in Mordor
- Aragorn and Arwen meet
- Aragorn and Gandalf meet
- A young Aragorn leaves Rivendell and travels south to fight for Rohan and Gondor under the alias of Thorongil.
- The Dwarves, led by Balin, re-inhabit Moria.
There has also been mention of taking one character, such as Aragorn or Gandalf, and following their story-line over the 60 year time-frame. Essentially, the film rights include anything from the text or appendices of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. What definitely will not be included in either movie are events or characters from Tolkien’s other works including The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales and The History of Middle-earth series.
1.9. How do I get cast as an extra in the movies? This is what I really want to know.
The only way to become an extra in the films is to be *in* New Zealand at the time casting calls go out (and specifically *in* the city in which they need extras on the days announcements are made) and either be a citizen of New Zealand or possess a New Zealand work permit. Calls for extras will occur much the same as they did for LOTR: ads will be published in local papers and broadcast on local radio stations and you will have to be available to work within 24-48 hours. So, unless you’re ready, willing and able to move to New Zealand for two years, happen to be in the right place at the right time and are fully documented to work there, you’re out of luck.
Note: tourist visas to New Zealand are currently valid for 90 days. A number of countries have working holiday visa schemes with New Zealand; they are generally valid for 12 months and allow you to work for up to three months at a time; you also have to be aged between 18 and 30 to be eligible. See Immigration NZ for details. I don't like the sound of this!
If you’re already a professional or semi-professional actor, you should work through your agent and/or contact talent agencies in Wellington. If you’re lucky enough to be a New Zealand citizen or be legally working there, you’re the envy of us all!! Somehow, I will be in this movie, If they can allow Guillermo del Toro to film and work in NZ, for 2 yrs,, they will allow me to be an extra! If need be I will write the NZ Prime Minister!!!!
Important note: If and when TORn hears of casting calls, we’ll post the news immediately on the Home Page of the site. However, no one at TORn can get you cast as an extra in the movie, so emailing us with such requests is, unfortunately, futile. If you’ve read through this entry, you now know as much as we do!
Just another update on my progress. I'm writing everyone and anyone! Rosie O'Donnell, Oprah, and even Roger Ebert. I'm going to start a petition, (maybe I should go online with that,), I'm pretty willing to do whatever it takes. My friend John who lives in California, and works as an EXTRA in movies. He was in Flags of our Fathers and Spider-man to name two. Has been informed of my desire and is on the lookout for any news or any casting calls for me,, I will fly to LA on a moments notice. I have also told my friend Billy, that I will need his services for photo's (face shots), so that I can be prepared at Talent Agencies. I have over a year to prepare.!!!
1.2. What will be in the second movie?
If The Hobbit does comprise the first film. The second movie will cover some of the events in Middle-earth during the 60 years between the end of The Hobbit, when Bilbo returns to Bag End in the year 2941 of the Third Age, and the Long Expected Party that opens The Fellowship of the Ring, in the year 3001 of the Third Age. According to PJ: “At this stage, we’re not imagining a film that literally covers 60 years, like a bio-pic or documentary. We would figure out what happens during that 60 years, and choose one short section of time to drop in and dramatise for the screen.”
Possible events that could be included:
- Sauron returns to Mordor
- Gollum ventures from the Misty Mountains in search of Bilbo and ends up in Mordor
- Aragorn and Arwen meet
- Aragorn and Gandalf meet
- A young Aragorn leaves Rivendell and travels south to fight for Rohan and Gondor under the alias of Thorongil.
- The Dwarves, led by Balin, re-inhabit Moria.
There has also been mention of taking one character, such as Aragorn or Gandalf, and following their story-line over the 60 year time-frame. Essentially, the film rights include anything from the text or appendices of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. What definitely will not be included in either movie are events or characters from Tolkien’s other works including The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales and The History of Middle-earth series.
1.9. How do I get cast as an extra in the movies? This is what I really want to know.
The only way to become an extra in the films is to be *in* New Zealand at the time casting calls go out (and specifically *in* the city in which they need extras on the days announcements are made) and either be a citizen of New Zealand or possess a New Zealand work permit. Calls for extras will occur much the same as they did for LOTR: ads will be published in local papers and broadcast on local radio stations and you will have to be available to work within 24-48 hours. So, unless you’re ready, willing and able to move to New Zealand for two years, happen to be in the right place at the right time and are fully documented to work there, you’re out of luck.
Note: tourist visas to New Zealand are currently valid for 90 days. A number of countries have working holiday visa schemes with New Zealand; they are generally valid for 12 months and allow you to work for up to three months at a time; you also have to be aged between 18 and 30 to be eligible. See Immigration NZ for details. I don't like the sound of this!
If you’re already a professional or semi-professional actor, you should work through your agent and/or contact talent agencies in Wellington. If you’re lucky enough to be a New Zealand citizen or be legally working there, you’re the envy of us all!! Somehow, I will be in this movie, If they can allow Guillermo del Toro to film and work in NZ, for 2 yrs,, they will allow me to be an extra! If need be I will write the NZ Prime Minister!!!!
Important note: If and when TORn hears of casting calls, we’ll post the news immediately on the Home Page of the site. However, no one at TORn can get you cast as an extra in the movie, so emailing us with such requests is, unfortunately, futile. If you’ve read through this entry, you now know as much as we do!
Just another update on my progress. I'm writing everyone and anyone! Rosie O'Donnell, Oprah, and even Roger Ebert. I'm going to start a petition, (maybe I should go online with that,), I'm pretty willing to do whatever it takes. My friend John who lives in California, and works as an EXTRA in movies. He was in Flags of our Fathers and Spider-man to name two. Has been informed of my desire and is on the lookout for any news or any casting calls for me,, I will fly to LA on a moments notice. I have also told my friend Billy, that I will need his services for photo's (face shots), so that I can be prepared at Talent Agencies. I have over a year to prepare.!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
You must Dream it to Live it

MTV is reporting that Guillermo del Toro is planning on giving fans a chance to be in the Hobbit. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.!!!!! Is this not fate. Hopefully the link works, but if not here is a transcript.
But the biggest news? It came from a question I thought would be a joke.
“Who do I have to kill or sleep with to get a role as an extra?” user Mike Moore asked.
“Oh my god, well that’s a good question only in that it’s asked often,” del Toro said, chuckling. “[But] I believe as the film comes to happen, in either of the two films, [fans] have a good chance of being there.”
You can (and should) watch del Toro’s hilarious response to the question below. But in the meantime, consider this: Del Toro wasn’t kidding. And it won’t cost you a dime, Mr. Moore.
“Sleep with a lot of people if you can! That’s a very good piece of advice. But don’t bribe anyone. It will be wasted money,” del Toro said, laughing. “We will set some rules and some contests and some fans will definitely get the chance of being extras. Go and apply for those roles!”
When this contest starts. I'm calling in all favors. If you know me, care about me, love me, heck hate my guts, and want to see me out of this country, please enter this contest on my behalf!!! I MUST BE IN THIS MOVIE. I'm going to move Heaven and Earth. I'M GOING TO BE IN THAT MOVIE. One way or the other. I wish he would have told us who we had to sleep with. I need names !!!! At least he also gave me another chance, he says to apply for the roles,,, My New Zealand friends are going to get a phone call from me,,,,,, What time is it there ? M
But the biggest news? It came from a question I thought would be a joke.
“Who do I have to kill or sleep with to get a role as an extra?” user Mike Moore asked.
“Oh my god, well that’s a good question only in that it’s asked often,” del Toro said, chuckling. “[But] I believe as the film comes to happen, in either of the two films, [fans] have a good chance of being there.”
You can (and should) watch del Toro’s hilarious response to the question below. But in the meantime, consider this: Del Toro wasn’t kidding. And it won’t cost you a dime, Mr. Moore.
“Sleep with a lot of people if you can! That’s a very good piece of advice. But don’t bribe anyone. It will be wasted money,” del Toro said, laughing. “We will set some rules and some contests and some fans will definitely get the chance of being extras. Go and apply for those roles!”
When this contest starts. I'm calling in all favors. If you know me, care about me, love me, heck hate my guts, and want to see me out of this country, please enter this contest on my behalf!!! I MUST BE IN THIS MOVIE. I'm going to move Heaven and Earth. I'M GOING TO BE IN THAT MOVIE. One way or the other. I wish he would have told us who we had to sleep with. I need names !!!! At least he also gave me another chance, he says to apply for the roles,,, My New Zealand friends are going to get a phone call from me,,,,,, What time is it there ? M
Hobbit Casting pt ll

Tom and I went to see the movie "Wanted" recently and while we both enjoyed it. We couldn't help but pay special attention to James McAvoy. Don't get me wrong, Angelina Jolie is "Devastatingly Beautiful" . Rumours are persistent that McAvoy will be Bilbo Baggins. And that my friends is of the utmost importance. I like him. He has an air of humility, boyishness and down to earth charm. And sometimes he has a smile in his eyes that lets the audience know he is in on the joke. Qualities he shares with a certain Shire dweller. He comes from Billy Boyds home country, Scotland. Also he is short, I don't think any of the Actors portraying the Hobbits were much taller than his reported 5 '7. According to IMDB he is a big Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica fan, coincidence?. I think not. Tom liked him too. I think he would be a fool to pass up this role. But what do I know. Next to nothing. Hopefully he is a nice guy, Peter Jackson only likes to work with people he likes,,, .
P. S. I will certainly post what kind of character he has, when I get to meet him, while filming the hobbit naturally,,,, fingers crossed.
"New Zealand",
Angelina Jolie,
James McAvoy,
Lord of the Rings,
Middle Earth,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Hobbit Casting
I've read that his favorite book growing up was The Hobbit. I think he would make a great Bard, the bowman who kills Smaug. We all know that The Hobbit is going to be the biggest movies of 2011 and 2012, so it's definitely not a big risk, and I think it will be bigger that 300. He loves to do characters that are costume roles, like Beowulf, King Leonidas . Gerard Butler would be perfect in it . One of my Faves. So I'm going to start the rumour now. Maybe Guillermo del Toro will cast him.
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