Sunday, May 25, 2008

An Unexpected Party

The Live Internet chat with both Peter Jackson and Guillermo Del Tor on Saturday May 24Th, went very well. At least I thought so. The twins were a little disappointed, that none of our questions were answered at least directly. Most of the questions we had were credited to other questioners. That's OK, They literally had thousands online with us, participating in the chat. Tom and I, wrote down the questions we wanted asked before the star of the chat, and all of those questions were answered. I'll add them here with the answers at the end. Timmy had a previous engagement, so he couldn't come over. But we had him on conference call with us, so he would not feel left out. I did not specifically ask, other than a comical question, about actually being in the film. I didn't think it would be fair to other participants and felt it would also be inappropriate to the forum. But at the end of the chat, Guillermo did comment about few asking to be in the film, which to me says that he is aware of my pestering and desire to work on the Hobbit. Here is a brief summary. New Zealand will again be used (perfect) as the setting for Middle -Earth. Both men prefer using actual sets as opposed to CGI. Guillermo commented on using both seamlessly as optimal. Jackson claims that Bilbo has NOT been cast (Internet rumour has Martin Freeman cast). And Sir Ian McKellen also has claimed he has already been approached. According to Guillermo, anyone in the LOTR Trilogy will be asked to reprise their roles in The Hobbit, if the script for F2 (film two) requires it. The scripts have not been written yet, so commenting on Cast news would be premature. Matamat will once again be used for Hobbiton, bigger and better than ever according to Jackson. Guillermo spoke eloquently when referring to bringing Smaug to life. Even going so far as to name Malificent as a favorite Dragon. (everyone knows she was/is my favorite Disney villain) . In ending. Del Toro said and I quote" But I can say that only a FEW asked "How can I be an extra?" so my heart swell with pride with the many questions that you were kind enough to submit-More chats and wandering in the message boards await us-See you soon. " Note. I submitted a question 2 weeks or so ago, asking how I can participate in the making of the movie, ie perhaps an extra or foot messager. Do you think this comment was a slap or derogatory comment towards me? I hope not. My intention was because of my love and passion for the story and all its characters. i read the Hobbit when i was 7 years old. LOTR soon followed soon afterwards.My favorite book of all time. I have read it more than any other. Period. The movies to me are perfection, lightning in the bottle. The look, the feel, the sound, the costumes, the casting even, simply perfection. I took the Twins to NZ, to be on a LOTR tour, that alone should prove my passion for Middle Earth. I just want to be involved somehow. What an incredible chance, perhaps a life altering experience. I will keep trying. I have a til filming starts in 2010, to save my money and make the long journey back to Middle Earth. You have to Dream it, To Live It....Here is a brief audition, lol .Namarie

p.s if you care to read the Entire Trancript go here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog