Wednesday, June 14th, 2006
There is a man that is tall, smart, with a lot of blonde hair, mostly one of the handsome kinds you see walking down the street. If you ever see him, he may be buying a box of new comic books, just like he does every month. He’s been reading comics since he has been a little boy. If you ever get to meet him, he will be a really nice gentleman, saying thanks, holding the door and all the other stuff, or if you meet him when you go see a movie that he may like, he may be the cool guy in a costume. He really doesn’t care what people think about him, as long as you have fun, he says. He always loves to dress up , He loves the Lord of The Rings as a passion, just like my brother and I. He likes Star Trek, a lot less than The Lord of The Rings. He will watch the movies everyday: I love that about him because he is the one that got me into the Lord of The Rings. He loves playing Tennis and Ping-Pong. Even though I beat him all the time, when he wants to play me. He loves his job as a dispatcher. He got the call about Chris Farley overdosing on drugs.One day my Uncle took me to the movie theatre to see Star Wars, it as about 12:00 am. We saw the movie the day before it really came out. We both dressed up as Jedi’s. With our brown cloaks that felt so comfortable with it’s warmth, and with our colorful fake light sabres that make noise when you hit them against something. We drove to the movie theatre, when we got in, we saw tons of people that cheered for us, because we dressed up. I was so delighted because I had butterflies in my stomach that people will be laughing at us. My Uncle almost started crying. He was so thrilled. We bought our tickets and sat in the theatre. A girl next to us dressed up in the same warm cloak that will always keep someone warm. I remember that night where I almost made an accident in my pants. I know my Uncle will always remember that day for the rest of his life. Mostly every show we see we go to Toys R Us. We go there just to buy more LOTR action figures. Those days were one of the best days of my life. Seeing those isles and isles of toys were one of the best sights I ever seen. Then putting all the LOTR toys in the cart made me really happy. Seeing the cashier put them in the bag made me want to cry in joy, so I can put them in my collection, even my Uncle was excited because he had a collection too. My Uncle is a very special person in my life. He always wanted the best for me, and he still does. We’ve always spent mostly every weekend together. Every time it was Friday I wanted to run out of school to see my Uncle. My Uncle always had a big mind and he also has a big heart. Timothy A
Period 4 May 3, 2006

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