Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today, Robert moved in. That makes the total of men in my house 4. Or rather 3 men and 1 Diva. Me. I wont put up with no crap, from any of them. It's me, Dad 3 or 4 days a week, Kyle and now Robbie. Hes joining or at least trying to, the Chicago Fire Dept. He has made the list and has been called back a couple of times. Now its getting close to hire and he needs a Chicago address,, so Uncle Max has come to the rescue, Again. I'm Superman in this family! No worries, I love it. I love that the kids at least some of them, like to be around me, and feel comfortable enough to want to say with me. Lets hope they don't stay too long. I like living alone!... Mom has started to call my home Boystown. Go figure.

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