Twice today I've had an Omen. Early this morning I received a comment on an earlier post I made to my blog. The Passage was about suicide. The comment isn't important. Later in the afternoon, I received an email from a FB friend asking for advice on how to handle a call from someone suicidal ! Coincident?! I think not! I don't believe in coincidences. and God doesn't play at Dice! Now the search is on, Who? Where? When? . I take this subject very seriously. I've been on both side now. Friends dying and me standing on the edge staring at the abyss ! Hopefully, i gave good advice. I know I spoke 2with my heart and Soul, and compassion ! That's a powerful combination. But maybe, just maybe this is just a reminder, a kick in the pants, God whispering, theres more to do, more life out there, don't get complacent. Don't take your health and life for granted. Make plans, strive for balance but make every day worth living.. Make Your Dreams come True,,,, Good Advice I'd Say
This is a small excerpt from Celine Dions beautiful song " In Some Small Way", I think it fits here !
"If we give a little of our love away,
and maybe meet in the middle ,
every night every day
if we can hear just a whisper of what the heart needs to say,
it sure can make a difference in some small way "
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