Sunday, June 29, 2008
Notre Dame
Monday, June 23, 2008
Me and Joanie

Me and Joanie
Originally uploaded by Gandalf.
Joanie found me thru my Flickr pictures, recently. We haven't seen each other in years. I sent her a message, describing, how I like to reminisce thru pictures and this was her reply.
I agree with you! You know my wedding album is done up in nothing but 8 x 10's and it's in a leather bound book format. So, I can't scan the picture, but there's one of my father walking me down the aisle. And, the only other person that is clearly pictured is you sitting in one of the back pews on the bride's side. You mentioning reminiscing is what made me think of this memory. I was doing just fine on the day of the wedding. Not really nervous or anything. Then, right before the picture I mentioned was taken, my father decides to ask me if I'm sure that this is who and when I want to marry. He said that if I didn't want to go thru with it we could walk right out of the church and take the limo for a scenic ride around the city!! Brian, you could have knocked me over!! My father was a man of very few words. So, needless to say, I immediately became a nervous wreck. And, let me tell you, you can see it in the picture. Anyway, the first person I saw after he said that to me was you. And, your smile is what helped to calm me before I made it to the altar. So, thanks Bri!! (I think?) LOL!!! It has been 26 years so I guess I did something right!! LOL!!! And again, your too kind with the compliments.
Joanie and I must have a special connection. She dated my brother Kevin, when they were in High School. I believe he was just a freshman, and she a sophomore. That would have made me 6th grade, somewhere in there. But I'm the one that fell in love. Joanie was like a wonderful big sister to me and Michelle. She was so kind to us. She would invite us over to Dance ( she had the Saturday Night Fever Album and the Sister Sledge album. On it was a song called He's the Greatest Dancer, which she said I was! )(Compliments get you everywhere with me). I thought she was so beautiful , smart and funny. She had a way of making me feel special. And it felt like, she liked me. For ME. Well life has a way of throwing curves and we each went our separate ways. She started her family. And I went to High School. Our paths went in opposite directions. Years later though, I was in a terrible car accident. Flew out the window, had the truck roll over me, the whole ugly bit. With blood streaming down my face and the fear that I was crippled, I somehow crawled away from the truck.. During all this commotion, I hear my name and look up into the eyes of Joanie, she worked in the area and had witnessed the accident. Of course then I knew, I was going to fine. Joanie was there! We seem to have some kind of connection. that binds us together, and when needed we are there. I believe in Angels. They are here among us, doing Gods work everyday, in every way. With a smile, a kind word, support or a loving gesture. Most of the time we don't know when an Angel is among us. We tend to take people for granted. Too focused on me and what's mine. Joanie is one of my Angels. Thank you for being there, when I needed you.