Thursday, September 4, 2008


I just watched this movie again tonight, and thought I would share my thoughts. While ultimately I was disappointed in the film i.e the storyline. I hated Lois Lane, and especially the brat. Superman has NO CHILDREN!!!! I understand what Bryan Singer was trying to do. Still Hated it. Superman never looked better. I thought Brandon Routh as Superman was everything he should be. Handsome, masculine with a touch of humility. The film looked like a painting. Every time we saw Superman on screen it was fantastic. I saw this at IMAX in 3d and was blown away. They had like 20 minutes of action sequences in 3d. It was mind blowing. I hope whomever decides to do another movie, gets the storyline right, because Superman is a modern American folk tale. I for one will be buying a ticket when they do. Long Live Superman!

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