Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hobbit Casting News

From The One Ring. Net

New Zealand casting for “The Hobbit” to begin on Monday
December 12th, 2009 by Altaira
In the last few weeks, we’ve heard from reliable sources that casting directors for “The Hobbit” have been assigned in Great Britain, but the ball is now rolling ‘for real’ in New Zealand! MGM Studios site just posted an announcement that New Zealand casting for ‘The Hobbit” Part 1 will begin this coming Monday, December 14. Per their site:
“Casting is scheduled to begin next week, December 14, 2009, on the upcoming MGM Studios feature film “The Hobbit” Part 1. The project is now being developed as two films, and principal photography is tentatively scheduled to begin in New Zealand around May or June 2011. Please submit photos and resume by mail only. No phone calls or personal drop-offs.”

Principal Actor Casting:
Liz Mullane Casting
17 Taipakupaku Road
Karaka Bay
Wellington, New Zealand 6022

Extras Casting:
Miranda Rivers
PO Box 6479
Marion Square
Wellington, New Zealand 6022

The entry also lists associated productions companies, but emphasizes NOT to send resumes and pictures to them or they will likely end up in the trash. If you’re lucky enough to live in New Zealand, best of luck to you! If not, remember that there are requirements you must meet to be eligible to work in New Zealand. .

Time to get to work and send out my resume and photos!!!! M

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thor The Movie

Exerpt from Marvel Studios

Thor Movie» Marvel Movies Assemble!» Marvel Studios Makes Lease Agreement» Marvel Studios Update: Loki Cast in Thor» Thor & Loki Cast: Who's Next?» Thor and Iron Man 2 Update» Thor Update: Portman Cast as Jane Foster» Thor Update: Warriors Three Cast
Are you waiting for the hammer to fall on the big screen (Mjolnir, that is)?! Of course you are and so are we!
When Thor makes his big screen debut on May 20, 2011, he'll have some company with him—as reported today by!
Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg, longtime friends and fellow Asgardians who usually work together as a team known as the Warriors Three, are Thor’s allies and companions.
Fandral will be played by Stuart Townsend. The job of Hogun goes to Tadanobu Asano. And Volstagg will be portrayed Ray Stevenson.
They join the previously announced Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Tom Hiddleston as Loki and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster. Kenneth Branagh will direct.
"Thor" is one of a continuing slate of films being produced by Marvel Studios based on the Marvel characters, including "Iron Man 2" on May 7, 2010, "The First Avenger: Captain America" on July 22, 2011 and "The Avengers" on May 4, 2012.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I love this movie!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Is the Universe trying to get your attention?

Synchronicities and so-called coincidences are clear signs that the Divine Source is knocking at your door. Sometimes it could be a soft tap or for those times when you’re not really paying attention, it could be a louder bang!

When “source” uses synchronicity as a method of communicating, it can manifest itself in some pretty unique ways, which I call my divine nudges.

Have you heard the same phrase or saying from a number of different people in one day?

Do the same numbers keep showing up over and over in your life?

Has someone mentioned the same person you were just thinking of?

Have you met someone out of the blue who answered a question that you were just asking yourself?

These are all signals that you should pause, be open, and pay attention to these signs, but most importantly to acknowledge that the source is trying to send you a message.

I heard a story once about a man who was having a hard time switching careers. The process was clearly causing him a lot of stress with all the doubts, twists and turns, and unanswered questions. He’d been offered a new job but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to leave the security of his existing job where he’d worked for years. One day as he was driving to work in a state of indecisiveness, he found himself asking himself the questions that had been churning in his mind: “Should I take the new job? Will I be happy? Am I doing the right thing?”

At that precise moment as he was asking himself the last question, he looked up and saw a bus drive by. The billboard on the side of the bus had a Nike advertisement with the slogan: “Just Do It!”

These are not just coincidences! I don’t believe there are accidents in this intelligent universe. It’s times like these that you should ask yourself: “What am I supposed to be learning or doing right now?” I feel when these synchronistic events occur; it’s the inner workings of your soul showing up in your outer physical world.

Synchronicities act as signposts or mile markers, guiding and directing you, or even helping to align your personal growth. I want to encourage you to notice when you’re being sent such signs, signals, people, patterns, books, articles, etc. I think of them as little gifts. These special gifts help direct you on your path toward your goals, and they also help you follow your soul’s guidance – all you have to do is ask and be watchful.

Soon the Universe could well be knocking on your door!

Here are a few tips that will help you tap into and work with synchronicities:

The more you notice and pay attention to meaningful synchronistic events and coincidences, the easier it gets for them to affect and guide you in your life.
Notice when you run into people unexpectedly. Really listen to what’s being said in the conversation and the hidden message that could be there for you.
If there’s a certain problem in your life, try to let it go and let synchronicity play it’s part. What you’re saying to the Divine Source is: “OK, show me! Let me be aware and act when the answer or guidance is being presented to me.”
Work with your journal and intuition to become even more aware when the source is knocking on your door.
Believe that it’s possible. A positive attitude enhances the experience, just as a negative attitude will shut it down.

Have a Soul-Filled Life!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Champion Drop Ship Challenge

fun times on City of Heroes, protecting the city from the Alien Rikti Invasion!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Texting While Driving PSA

A lesson for everyone! Especially teens!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Whitney is Back

I have always loved her voice, and Thankfully, she is returning with this beautiful single
I look to you

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Wheel of Time

Hey guys!
I am now on book 4 of the "Wheel of Time" series. It is called "The Shadow Rising." It is so wonderful and amazing! My uncle was right when he told me that I would love 'em. I am so happy that I listened to him. He is now gonna start reading with me, I think is gonna start today or tomorrow. I might hangout with him Sunday or Monday, whichever, we will have a lot to talk about this book. I can't wait. Also, I wanted to say is that I really enjoyed the new Harry Potter movie! In my opinion, they could of changed it to make it a lot better. But it was still very good. Even though I knew what was gonna happen at the end, I still did not want to watch it. It was very sad. The seventh book was my favorite, so I hope they do a wonderful job!
School just started and I am now a junior! It is exciting, I can't wait to get started with French,, I will love it! I will write soon,,
Au revior! -Timmy

Sunday, August 16, 2009

District 9

Hate to say it, but I was a little disappointed. It's not a bad movie, it just wasn't what I expected and it wasn't so fantastic that I could over look that. Timmy was impressed either. Cant wait for Where the Wild Things are, hopefully it Will be great. I carried that book with me everywhere,,,M

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hobbiton Re-built

The rebuilding of Hobbiton has begun, according to spies with The Red Carpet Tours. Vic, I know you are hiding under bushes. these pics are courtesy of The REd Carpet Tours and

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today, Robert moved in. That makes the total of men in my house 4. Or rather 3 men and 1 Diva. Me. I wont put up with no crap, from any of them. It's me, Dad 3 or 4 days a week, Kyle and now Robbie. Hes joining or at least trying to, the Chicago Fire Dept. He has made the list and has been called back a couple of times. Now its getting close to hire and he needs a Chicago address,, so Uncle Max has come to the rescue, Again. I'm Superman in this family! No worries, I love it. I love that the kids at least some of them, like to be around me, and feel comfortable enough to want to say with me. Lets hope they don't stay too long. I like living alone!... Mom has started to call my home Boystown. Go figure.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Word From Timmy

Hey everyone!!! This summer has been pretty good so far. I went to Deep River for my girlfriend's birthday and tomorrow we are gonna go to Brookfield Zoo with some friends. Its really exciting. I am also taking some summer school classes so that when I become a Senior I have some spots left where I can take the classes that I want. I have A's in both of those classes, which are Government and Economics. Both very interesting!
Now "Harry Potter" was FANTASTIC!!! I was very shocked when I was done. I cannot wait to the movie this July. I wish that I didn't read them so fast but I couldn't help it. My favorite characters are definitely Neville and Professor Snape. They are both incredible people. Especially Neville and his bravery! The 7Th book is my favorite. I wanna talk about the books but I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.
All of you know that I am now reading "The Wheel of Time," my uncle knows very good books for me to read. I am almost done with the first book. My uncle is gonna start reading the series with me once I reach the second book. Also, I have downloaded The Lord of the Rings Online game for my computer, it looks very beautiful! Its gonna be so much fun when Max gets it on his computer. I still love my City of Heroes, I will be playing it tonight. My character in my new game is a man named Beromor, he is from the realm Gondor. He kneels in front of the White Tree and hails Elendil!!!
That's all for now, I'll write soon. Bye guys Timmy

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Goodbye Angel

I grew up loving Farrah, she will be missed , I owned this poster, and had it as a T-shirt.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 Trailer 3

whose side areyou on? Civil War!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Casting for the Hobbit

Terrible News. I'm sitting on my roof! I climbed up after getting notified that all the casting for the Hobbits extras, was going to be filled by New Zealanders. Due to New Zealand law, its virtually impossible to be hired as an extra if you are not a citizen. Sad day indeed. According to the Casting Director of the Narnia films, King King, the first 3 LOTR films, Liz Mullane. Simple , its the law! Not to mention it would be almost impossible with the many location changes, due to weather, film needs etc. My heart is breaking, but alas, there is still hope. Maybe,,,, Voluntary work. Im hoping that if I volunteer and not get paid, maybe I can get in with that loophole. Or something else. But, that might not be possible either. I wouldnt want totake work away from someone who needed it. BUT To live it, you must dream it, so there is always hope!
Maybe I'll come down off the roof,,, tomorrow,,, Max

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hey everyone,, I miss you Uncle Max and Grandma!!! ( when he wrote this, we were still in Europe)-me

Baseball season has STARTED! It is going very good so far,, our record is 4-1. We have a four game winning streak so far, but I am not gonna count my eggs yet. I am having so much fun this season. Our first game we lost. I had a very good game though,, I had the first home run of the season and I also hit a triple and another base hit. But we were just getting the rust off. My entire team is doing fantastic! I also have been doing good at pitching, I was a little upset the last game, I got my first strikeout of the season. I told myself that I cant hit 'em all. I had to set a good example for my team since Tommy and I are the team captains. So I acted like I was not upset about the strikeout. But I did very good the rest of the game. We have won by "slaughter rule" three games. I am very proud of my team! I can't wait for my uncle to come see some games when he gets back. ( I have been to 3 games now )

To let everyone know, I am now one chapter away from finishing the sixth Harry Potter! It is very exciting, I cant wait to see the movie and start reading the seventh book. My girlfriend and I talk about the book all the time. I really wish she would read LOTR with me soon! I am gonna talk her into it no matter what I have to do. She will fall in love with them once she reads it. She will finally see why we LOVE LOTR!!! That's all so far,, I will keep writing! Namarie
-Timmy ( He has since finished the Seventh Book and from what I'm told he loved it. He will write about it soon, Ive given him The Eye of the World to read. It's a fantastic saga of 11 books so far, so stay tuned to see his future book reviews, lol ) Max

The Old Republic Jedi vs Sith

New MMo from the Star Wars Universe.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I've been watching them from afar.
Oh! how I love them!
My heart strains with every beat,
stretching, pushing trying to grow
Wanting to get bigger,larger to contain
this love.
But it cant, I'm only human
Can any human heart contain so much love!
Oh! How I love them!
So Much
Never too much,
perhaps not enough!
Human Heart too small.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mom singing in Paris

Anew cabaret singer makes her debut

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm Home

Thoughts on the last 10 days. Mom and I, had a wonderful experience, together. I love Europe. London was better than I thought it was going to be. They preserved and are proud of their history, beautiful churches and building. The royal influence is everywhere, surprisingly. But I think the English like it that way. They are very friendly, and warm. I would love to go back, and spend a week there. Of course, I would love to tour all of the United Kingdom. Germany. I wasn't thrilled with it. I loved the Castles, and they are loaded with them. I want to go inside next time, but the weather was dreary and cold, exactly how I pictured Germany. People were fine. But abrupt. And it was hard to get a connection with them, because of the language. Austria. The natural beauty is spectacular. The weather helped, it was sunny and warm. One minute your driving , flat, and then bam mountains everywhere. I like to be in them. Italy was exciting. Very hot, and the people were soo good looking, No kidding. Venice was full of history and exciting to walk the streets. I even enjoyed Verona. The villas along the river, looked just like you imagine Italy looking. I bet Rome is something to see. Switzerland was surprising to me. It was the only country we had to have our passports available. Not in the European Union also. They accept Euros, but give back Franks. But the mountains and lakes are stunning. I don't think they have much of a summer, but otherwise, I would go back. I enjoyed going up the mountains in a tram,, and hiking them,,, exhausting but exhilarating. The cowbells need to go,, they are loud in the morning. France. I don't know why I love France so much. But I do. Je'taime Paris. the history, The architecture, I love Everything, except the food. sorry,, I'm still an American Boy. I like our hot dogs and hamburgers and pizza. I have another furlo in October. So I'm looking for a place to go, Maybe I'll go back to one of these places again,,,, London is definitely a possibility,, by myself this time...


Dear Carrie, I'm coming home and to you. Be ready. Nothing has worked, and I left Alexander. My will is my own, and I will not be controlled by any other. He tried, but I wont be broken. He also warned me about returning to America. But there is my home and where my heart is. I will watch over my family and keep them safe. My will was too strong for Alexander. I remembered too much of my life, and didn't succumb to the dark side, like most " young ones". I supposed dying tears at your soul and mind, causing memory loss. But Not to me. Most Old ones stay away from America and our sciences. Too risky to get caught, so they stay in Europe with its old myths and legends. Not me, I would dare all for my family. But !!!!! I don't want to be alone either, so I chose you to be my companion, like we were as children, always together, always there for each other,,,, So prepare yourself,, I'm coming home. I've already stowed aboard a ferry to make the English crossing. Now all I need to do is get over the Atlantic...One night soon,,, you will see me thru your windows,,,,,,, B


When Did I learn to speak multiple languages.. I've been studying French for about 2 yrs now,, still suck at it, but while in Europe, I noticed that not only can i get by, But i speak French, Spanish and English all in the same sentence. I dont think thats what people want to hear.

The Hunt for Gollom is here

The Hunt For Gollum (HD version)
by HuntForGollum

Watch the credits till the End,,My name is on there,,,how exciting.

Mom and i, werent able toattend the premiere,, they recieved our notice too late it seems,,oh well there is always next time,,,, B

Monday, May 11, 2009

Post to Shelly

Dear Shelly,

I'm tired,, so tired of running. I left Paris 2 nights ago, and still they hunt me. Hope this post finds you and the boys well. I probably will never see you again. Every hour they get closer to finding me. I've been hiding in old graves and crypts. All kinds of spiders and bugs as company. How did it come to this, you ask? My last night in Paris. I decided to try and stay awake and find out if HE was going to come.... To prove my suspicions wrong. Well damn if I wasn't wrong,, the moment Mom started sawing logs, and by the way,, she can wake the dead, she snores so loud. Tap at my window, and He is there, watching me. I feel as if all is a dream, My will is not my own. I cant control my actions. I opened the window and jumped. Perfect swan dive, right out, like I lost my Damn mind. Flipped over and landed as light as you please. Alexander was right beside me, yes that is his name, and get this,, he claims he is the Alexander! The General. Yes I that Alexander was Greek, but this one claims to have spent most of his death in France, hence the reason for the accent. We preceded to hunt the streets of Paris. And believe me, I enjoyed it, relished it even. I picked my victim and snapped his neck without a thought. Draining his body of every last drop of blood. . Oh what has happened to me,,,This night we were sloppy, and I got caught, by the police. Should I have tried to kicked him as Mary Kay once suggested to you , in our youth, Alas I didn't, instead choosing flight, big mistake, he radioed others and the hunt for me and Alexander was on. Like I said, that was 2 nights ago, I'm sure Mom has arrived home by now. Please tell her I'm dead, and to move on,I would not want her to torture herself, with worry over me. Perhaps I will try again in a Church as was suggested to me, by that Voodoo witch, claiming old mythic cures,,, if I should do this before my 3rd night of death. This all started in London, Alexander wants me to go there with him,, perhaps I shall,, until my next post. My love always,,,,, B

p.s I've written to several others, with details, but I havent heard from anyone....


Arrived in Paris to beautiful skies, around 1 o clock. First stop Notre Dame! Mom was so moved, she couldn't speak. They were having mass, so we paused for a few minutes. We had about an hour there. She lit candles at every station, and said a prayer. This was the culmination of all our efforts. The point of the trip. Mom sitting in Notre Dame on Mothers Day! Parfait. We moved onto a tour of the city, which I enjoyed pointing out the different places I had been, And onto the Eiffel tower. The 2ND place Mom wanted to go. She was very impressed. In the evening, we went to Sacre Couer, Mom was very disappointed, not by the basilica itself, which is very beautiful, but by the riffraff surrounding it. and the filth. We had a wonderful dinner, which included a sing along. I thought I was at Monday night show tunes. I think I was the only one who knew the words to DO RE MI, from Sound of Music. lol. I had 5 glasses of Champagne, WOW, my head was spinning... tomorrow back in London and then off for home. We had a wonderful trip,,, B

Sunday, May 10, 2009

He's Back

Dear Carrie,

We made it to the mountainous town of Lucerne. Smack dab in the middle of the Alps. Absolutely beautiful country, with high mountains, and clear lakes. The have a lake with dozens of beautiful Swans in it. We took an hour tour on the lake and then went up the highest mountain in the area to a revolving restaurant, with breathtaking views. Mom was frightened of the height and proceeded to lose her cane over the side of the cliff. I took a picture of it at the bottom of the ravine. I seem to have lost my fear of heights. I went by myself on a hike farther up the mountain, to the very tip. I had a panoramic view of the whole valley, Stunning, wait to you see the pictures. Now onto what, you really want to know.
And Guess what
He's back!, you know who. Yep, the Frenchman, that's what I started calling him. Or at least I think hes back. A couple whom we met on the tour are from Brazil. Older couple, both retired, I think, they never said exactly said what they did, she reminds me of a Voodoo Witch! Always giving me the evil eye, and sneaking glances at me. Shes either very afraid of me or wants me, probably the latter, I'm so handsome. Anyway, while Mom was enjoying breakfast, I don't eat anymore,, no appetite it seems,, they came over and claimed they saw me out and about, late last night. Witchy it seems cant sleep at night, so decided to look out the hotel window, ( busy body back home I bet), and here it gets good, claims to have seen me, shimming down the drain pole alongside the hotel, at the bottom, she says I met up with a tall blonde stranger, with ice blue eyes. How she saw this mans eyes from the 15th floor is beyond me! And then, we ran off into the night. I don't remember any of this. You think I would. I haven't had a date in years! But, isn't this the craziest story, you ever heard. I think this old biddy has it out for me,, she's always whispering behind my back. I had to stop Mom from boxing with her. But here it gets interesting, for me at least. After breakfast, we all loaded into the bus at headed to Dole, France.
We stayed in an out of the way hotel. Nothing around but trees and hills,. We left the mountains long behind, sad I loved the air and the environment of the mountains. We got our keys at reception and went to our rooms,,, and guess what? Moms freaking cane is on the bed!!!!! The exact same one! It has her initials on it!!! WTF!!! Seriously, Am I going crazy! Can this really be happening to me? I'm starting to dread the trip to France. No good can come from going there, they even have faux Vampire bars there. So I need to stay a long way from there. Mom thinks I should attend Mass at Notre Dame. That would cure everything, she said. Carrie say prayers for me, either I'm going bonkers or I'm on a very weird adventure! One I hope to survive, love to everyone. B

P.s did you see the pic, I posted of me with my new glasses, tres chic, Do I look any different. I think so,,,,, Au revoir Cherie

The Internet ! European Style

The Internet in Europe, sucks. I hate it. In France, I can access my accounts but cant download pictures. When I pay for it, wifi works,, when It's free it doesn't.... and its very slow. so sorry about the updates, and no really good pics, I don't have time to edit, or sit and wait for the verrrrrryyy slow downloads. Its one of the frustrating differences with Americans and Europeans. Or maybe they have better things to do, than sit on the computer. I dunno, but twice now, I have tried to throw my laptop out of hotel windows. Thankfully Mom has a cooler head...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Followed pt 2

Venice, old and vernerable, and full of old myths. Headline in todays Paper "Vampyri ". No lie,, I have the picture to prove it. According to the story, a coven of supposed Vampires was discovered, dead and mutilated, with stakes, headless etc in an old Church in the Venetian area. No leads on who did this, or why,, But everyone believes they really were Vampires! Italians and their wild imaginations,,, too much wine and sun. No sightings of my Blonde frenchman last night, but I did have very vivid and wild dreams, tossed and turned all night, but never fully awoke. Dreamed of running thru the streets of Venice, and over rooftops,, crazy stuff like that. San Marco Cathedral, beautiful architecture, from the outside. Dont know what the inside looked like, cuz I couldnt get in,,, Bag was too big, clothes werent right. I think the guard, didnt like me, evfertime I tried something different to get in, it wasnt good enough. No matter, I was feeling well at the point anyone, very queasy stomach, standing line. Mom went in and told me it was gorgeous. We see Verona tomorrow. Cant wait. Im a sucker for romance,,,,, B


Beautiful old city with amazing history. I loved the canals and the gondolas. We had a group of 5 Gondolas together with a singer on one. It was very entertaining. Loved the architecture, and San Marcos Cathedral was unbelieveable. No pictures inside, bummer, But I believe it contains the tomb of the Gospel writer Mark. Mom went inside the tomb to look. I was unable (more on the later). I just walked the streets, alone, looking, searching, and exploring. Tomorrow Verona and then on to Switzerland.. B

Rothenberg, Germany

A medieval walled city. Oldest medieval walled city in Europe. I walked the walls and the battlements. Very interesting. The walls were very high. To keep enemies out. The churches and buildings were very old and in Gothic style. A Local told me the wall wasnt there for normal enemies, such as armies of men,,, but more like supernatural ones. That when started to notice all the crosses in all the windows of the houses. Many of the walls had very strange scratch like marks along them. Very weird, but I will investigate this further.


Today, I stood in a field of Gold.
face up to the sky. Warm sun,
thinking of you. Are you thinking of me?
Looking at the stars. Secret song. Wishes unfulfilled.
Can you hear me? Can you hear my heart? Beating
" Season may change, winter to spring. No mountain too high, no river to wide, storm clouds may gather and stars may collide "
Night time, twin stars blinking.
Do you miss me?
Come What May.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

3 posts for price of one Euro

Let me first apologize for late posts. Wifi when I pay for it, works beautifully, but when its free, no good.

Germany was nice, but intimidating, its reputation had me a little uneasy, weird I know. The people were ok, not overly friendly, but polite. The weather was very cool, almost cold.

Austria was absolutely beautiful, gives my New Zealand a run for its money as far as beautiful mountains, and scenery. We were in the Alps. And it was warm, unbelievable. The hotel was gorgeous, and we got the biggest room so far. Our view was breathtaking, and Im not exaggeratting. We stayed overnight in Innsbruck.

We travel and sightsee all day, from early morning, up at 6 on the bus by 7 or 730 and then in the hotel for the night at around 8. We see lots but even im tired at night. Mom is a trooper, somehow she is getting around and seeing everything,,, she has made plenty of friends, everyone seems to love her as much we do. There is a couple from New Zealand, I'm their stalker, poor things. The trip so far is lovely.I'm having a nice time and taking plenty of pics,, posted a few, I dont like to post too many unedited, I do have a reputation to uphold. I will flood flickr with them and with better explanations of what you are looking at, when i have time, probably when I get home,, but flickr does have a taste...... Brian

p.s I'm being followed.
It started late one night in London. I felt the need to walk around and get my bearings. Mom was tired so I left her in the room. It wasnt too late around 10, and the moon was full,, air cool, but dry and there was a fine misty fog blowing in. Perfect London weather. Just what you see in the movies. We stayed in Kensington, which I was told is a very expensive area. Diana had a place there. So I felt safe to walk at night. I got mixed up to where I was and must've made a wrong turn. I happened past an old church, very Gothic, very old looking. Appeared to be abandoned. There was a very well dressed man standing at the bottom of the stairs. He had long blonde hair. Wore a beautiful long black coat, almost a cape, which is why I started to stare. My first thought was, wow I love that coat! I decided to cross the street away from him, my 911 instincts telling me to be careful, esp in stange lands. Before I got to the curb, he was at my side, startling me. In beautiful French accented English, he asked if I knew the time. 1/2 past 11. I said. A noise in the alley behind me, made me jump, straight up, I almost flew, right there. Merci Beacoup, he said. As his very icy blue eyes, scanned the place where the noise came from. He then walked in that direction. me. I hurried across the street, running more like it. Freaked out. All the while wondering if my hair was now a pale white.. I heard him chuckle. Chills went up and down my spine. I broke the Olympic 100 meter dash back to my hotel. Mom thought I was crazy, asking if I had stopped in a pub and had some English beer. Laughing, I went to bed, thinking I had read to many horror stories, and seen Too many movies. The next day, we arrived in Hamburg, Germany. No a/c so we left the window open. Beautiful breeze, made sleeping very peaceful. Innsbruck was another story. The weather was so warm, no breeze thru the windows and I kept hearing voices. The windows in our room, were these huge Gothic windows, that opened over the street. Both windows opened. While changing, Mom whispered to me, that someone was trying to get into our room. I crept over and heard someone trying first the door handle and then the lock. My hair stood straight up. Who is there I yelled in the deepest voice I could muster. Whover took off running. The wind suddenly blew the curtains in our room so hard,I ran to the window, thinking a storm had hit. As I approached the window, I thought I heard someone whisper my name. Looking down onto the street below I saw a young boy perhaps a teen arguing with his girlfriend, she was running from him and he kept calling out to her. Bela was her name I think. He gave me a very odd look. But across the street. under the only lamp light in the whole town, was the Frenchman!!!!Im sure of it. I saw long blonde hair. He had a hat on, I could not see his face, but thought he was smiling! Mom was yelling to close the windows, she was cold, as I grabbed the handle, he looked directly in my face. I peed my pants and farted. No kidding. This is too weird. Am I dreaming! Mom suggested I see the Hotel Doctor. Maybe he could give me something, She thinks the high altitude of the Alps is affecting me. I told her, I have my own sleeping pills, and I was too embarrassed to talk to anyone. But I slept like a log, best sleep I've had in years. As a matter of fact,Mom had to wake me in the morning. I was soo tired. In the bus I couldnt keep my eyes open, first tie for that, usually Im soo busy looking out the windows snapping pictures, I dont notice how long we are sitting on the bus. But today, I couldnt keep my eyes open. Normally I dont pay any attention to the chatter on the bus, butI thought I heard someone mention Vampires. My ears pricked up. Evidently the hotel staff were talking about Vampyri, and old mountain myths come to life.. Probably to scare us... Today we are off to Venice, I'm going to ask around, and keep my eyes and ears open,,,,,,,, B

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hello European Continent

Hello There,

Sorry for the long delay, but we traveled far and wide yesterday and it was a late night. We left England via ferry out of Dover, saw the white cliffs, and travelled over the English Channel to Calais, France. Back to driving on the right side (correct side ) but into foreign language territory. French, German and Dutch. German is very hard to understand, much more so than French. It sounds like someone clearing their throat, very gutteral.
Drove thru France on our bus to Brussels. Just before the German border we stopped for a much needed bathroom and leg break. Mom has met an Australian couple whom she enjoys and who, along with her have become the rebels of the group. They have already been scolded by our tour guide. They chat so much together that Mom has decided that she needs to learn about Australia, ratther than listening to our tour guide about the countries we are currently in. Case in point. Bathrooms cost money, they are not free. Dont tell her that, she thinks she can just wink her eye at the attendant and not pay, becuase she didnt have money on her. The man spoke to her in German, she didnt understand him, and had to go, so she winked and proceeded into the loo. I had to take care of him, on my turn to the urinal! They laughed about this incident for at least an hour, causing everyone else on the bus to stare or possibly glare, I dunno , I was too busy trying to ignore them and snap photos out of the windows.
Brussels has a beautiful square, where there are 2 palaces and a beautiful church, exquisite architecture, but thats it. I wasnt impressed. It felt like a big city and nothing more.

Rhine River cruise. This I enjoyed. Cold weather on the water, especially up top, but I was prepared. I had a warm sweater, and a coat, along with my winter cap. Many, many castles dot along the top, looking down on the Rhine, some occupied, some not. All interesting. I wish we were able to go inside. We were on the river for about 2 hrs. Then off Hamburg, were we are at now. Early morning tomorrow, we have to be up at 06:00 and onto the bus by 07:30, and off to Lucerne,, more later
ps the Euro is killing us! ITs about 1 to 1:50, so for every hundred i spend its costing me $150.00, yikes,,, we are running out of money fast. We need donations to get home, western union us soon . lol
P.s.s. unedited pictures are up on Flickr, no criticisms, they are unedited! That means you Bill and Sue!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Goodbye London

Hello All,,

Yesterday we toured the Queens Castle, Windsor. Very nice. Very medieval. Very Lord of the Rings. It was a little much for Mom to walk, but she perservered. What a trooper. English breakfasts, yuck. I remember not liking them in New Zealand too. Today we are off to the continent. Belgium and the capitol city of Brussels. We take a ferry over, hopefully it wont be too cold. London was a beautiful city, and very friendly people. I definitely want to return for a longer visit.. Pictures are turning out great, I will try and post them in our next hotel.... Brian


Sorry for the late post, but yesterday we were exhausted. Plane ride was fine, but tiring. We had good seats, right up against the bulkhead, so plenty of leg room. But I cant sleep on a plane, and evidently neither can Mom. We werent allowed in our rooms until 2. I had to sweet talk a pretty Italian girl named Imma to get into them early, we so wanted to sleep. against everyones better advice.But Mom was sooo tired and her legs were bothering her. We slept about 3 hrs, and then joined a night tour to Tower Bridge which included dinner and a nice but very chilly boat ride along the Thames. It was very enjoyable. No wi-fi in hotel, so no pics yet, but hopefully when we move on. Today. we just finished a bus tour of London, very enjoable tour guide, Carlotte. We saw St Pauls Cathedral, ST James Palace, Buckingham Palace, the changing of the Guard, Big Ben, and many others. Lots of pics forthcoming. We are now waiting for another bus, which will take us to Windsor Castle. Mom is meeting lots of people from all over the World, and from other states in America. We leave London tomorrow,,, oh and before I forgot. Funny Story. I called yesterday for a 6:30 wake up call, just to make sure Mom had breakfast before our London Tour. We got a wake up call at 05:30 this morning, via FIRE ALARM. And let me tell you it was loud and a little frightening. People were running thru the hallways in their pajamas. We got dressed very quickly and walked down 5 flights of stairs, and everyone congregated in the streets.No one panicked, but I broke a major rule of mine,,, I LEFT my camera in the room!!!! How I wish I wouldve grabbed it. I did remember to grab my wallet, the room key and Mom without her teeth , mind you, but I did think to take her with me. , so at least that! No injuries, someone evidently was smoking in their room and set of the alarm. London is marvelous and exciting. I do think I will be back, so much to see... until tomorrow and hopefully I will post pics,,,,ps I am getting video tho, which takes away from reg photos, so I'm a little aggravated. I do like taking pictures,,,,,,,, Brian

P.S,, European keyboards are different, I remember this problem in France, configuration different, and its in a foreign language, I dont know how to change it, so pardon the misspellings...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


1 more day to go till the Midnight show, cant wait.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Harry Potter

Hey Uncle Max this is for the blog!

I am now on the 5th Harry Potter!!! I'm reading them pretty fast. Its really exciting, the books actually gave me a big surprise. I did not expect them to be as good as they are. Sue,, you were right!!!!! Actually, I'm reading 'em with my girlfriend, Trea, even though this is her like 6th time reading them. She thinks they are amazing like how I feel about Lord of the Rings. If I didn't tell you before. I wanna read the sixth book because it will be the first of those books that I Will read before I see the movie. So that should be really fun. After, I finish Harry Potter I am gonna read all of my LOTR books with my uncle Max. I am so excited for New Zealand again, I have already saved $40 for the trip. I'm trying to get a job, but I doubt I will find one this summer! so that's a bummer!!! I also can not wait to see "Wolverine", I have been reading a lot of my comic books. Now we are back to Harry Potter,, I feel that the movies can do a lot better but I really enjoy them. I love Neville, and I also like the twins alot. ( My uncle doesn't like them) but shhh!!! I enjoy how Rowling writes, I think it is very good. I will probably continue reading tonight. There is always time to enter a new world! I will be keeping up with the blog,, so be ready!
Au Revoir Timmy

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To Dream A Dream

By now we all have see the remarkable vocal talent of the outwardly unassuming, but radiant inner beauty of Susan Boyle from Britain's got Talent. If you haven't', you need to head over to youtube to see it. It is one of those incredibly touching stories that move me to my core. Who doesn't dream the dream of walking on stage and belting out a tune, and not only knocking out the audience, but flooring our harshest critics (the Judges). Susan has moved me to tears every single time I watch the clip, its not only her rendition of I dreamed a Dream, but her story as well. She could not have picked a better song. The lyrics in the song, speak to life killing a dream, a reality of everyday setting in, but hope remains. That alone speaks to all of us! Or at least most of us. I'm surprised when I ask people what their dreams are, and they say they don't have any. What?!! Dreams are for everyone and every age, not just for children. To dream is to be alive and moving forward, toward something. As I write this, Susan has some competition from a 12 yoa boy. I don't care if she wins, that's not the point, Her impact and her sincerity, of dreams fulfilled, have won the hearts of people the world. "Now life has the killed the dream I dreamed". No Susan, it hasn't Good Luck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Hunt For Gollum

The Premiere for this fan film, that I'm an investor for, is in London 02 may 2009. And Guess what? I scored 2 tickets. Mom and I , land in London 02 may, so we will be able to attend. How exciting. Mom is thrilled, and I think it will be fun, we have the whole afternoon free, so why not attend. In case, you don't remember, The Hunt For Gollum is a fan film made in England, by a group of fan, running time approx 50 minutes. And it tells the tale of Aragorn searching for Gollum. Gandalf wants him found before the Nazgul do. I became an investor last year. The film hits the web soon after the 02 May, probably around the 4th of May. Here is the trailer for it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hobbit News

The Following is an entry from The One Ring. Net

The Hobbit…..TRILOGY?!
March 31st, 2009 by xoanon
For a few months now, we’ve all been wondering why there’s been such a cloud of secrecy from Guillermo and PJ regarding progress on The Hobbit. Well, today we got wind of what could be the biggest story so far about this much anticipated film: a report that negotiations are under way for a third film!
On condition on anonymity, our source revealed that some of the main sticking points include amendments to PJ and GDT’s contracts requiring an additional 3 months of principal photography, and temporarily suspending some of their other projects.
Our insider also mentioned some legal wrangling with the Tolkien Estate to acquire additional rights to materials not currently under license which would provide the bulk of the plot for the third movie. What specifically this could be is a guess, but our source seems to imply delving into the back-story of the Istari (Wizards) including Gandalf and Saruman’s youth in Valinor. The inclusion of other young wizards at the academy would provide an opportunity for cameos from LOTR actors who’s story arc doesn’t fit into The Hobbit. The latter would go a long way toward explaining recent cryptic quotes from LOTR actors about possible appearances in The Hobbit.
We’ll keep you up to date as this story progresses. Our source is sending us an update tomorrow.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

IF MARCH 26 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Actor James Caan (1939) shares your birthday today. You have a childlike enthusiasm for life. People become energized around you. Nevertheless, you also have a philosophical detachment to things, which makes you a shrewd observer of others, often in a witty way! You take your friendships seriously and enjoy lifelong friends. This year, you'll build something that is important to you. Your rewards will soon follow!

IF MARCH 26 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your heart is made light this year. April and May are filled with events and laughter. You'll take on a new role, perhaps as a teacher, entrepreneur or salesperson, in June. July features an exciting twist in the plot of your professional life. This lucky break allows you to make a big purchase. Loved ones honor you in October. Leo and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are 20, 4, 2, 17 and 1.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A word from Timmy

I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while. I was going to write the day I got back,but I was overwhelmed with homework and tests. Anyway. Cancun was fantastic, it was so fun being with my Uncle, Mom and brother for a few days. Even though my uncle and I, wanted to play city of heroes. I loved Chichen Itza, it was my favorite. My Uncle and I did not follow our group, we just took loads of pictures. I wish were able to climb to the top of the temple. But being there was fantastic. The tour bus and the tour reminded me of our tour in New Zealand. I'm going to start saving for our next trip back to New Zealand. When I get a job. Hopefully it will be very soon. I'm so excited. I just finished reading The Silmarrilion, it was a very fascinating book. I loved it. I might state reading the Wheel of Time, recommended by my Uncle.
I'm doing good in school/ I've raised my grades, so that's very good. I'm so excited to see watchmen and Wolverine. I need to stay the night at my uncles. I miss doing that so much. But that's all for now, I'll be writing again soon. Tim

PS Sue ,, I have actually started to read Harry Potter. !

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Hobbit Fund

Seriously,,I'm thinking of starting a Hobbit fund, where people can donate or perhaps purchase a signed autographed picture of me in wardrobe, from The Hobbit. Anything that I can do to raise funds to get me to New Zealand and get in this movie! Anyone have ideas. I'll only entertain legal ones of course. I'll need enough to live over there for at least a year, while providing for my bills at home here. I really want to take a leave of absence from work, but cant if I cant afford to go. Bad Timing perhaps with this awful economy and many losing there jobs and homes. But dreams don't die in dark times, they grow stronger. So all ideas are welcome,, I have 9 months to get my act together,,,, Namarie Max

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cancun Day Three

Its raining,,, and hasnt stopped since 09:00, now the fighting and crabbiness begins. (Michelle an me) But Chichen Itza is planned for tomorrow, so we are looking forward to it.

Cancan Day 2-full day

Spent all day on the beach. I'm a sun god. Michelle and the boys look like Alaskans, in fact someone commented in the elevator on how pale they were. But everyone is afraid of sun poisoning, since Shelly had it last year. The Twins are loving the ocean. They have been in the water most of the day. The waves are so high. They cant get over the colors. I'm just trying to Chicago and work detox, havent read a page of my three books I brought, but I'm enjoying their excitement. Plenty of bikini babes, boobs and butts to watch .

Cancun Day One

Made it here safely, Thank You God. Plane ride wasnt so bad. Weather was warm and sunny. We walked around and got the lay of the land. and made it an early night. We were beat.
First impressions of Hotel, hate it. It smells in the hallways, And loads of young frat boys and tramps. Scream all day and all night. So far we have seen a naked man running, and a naked girl locked out of her room,,and 2 topless bathing beauties,, Spring break has never been so fun.!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Booked our weekend for Cancun. Shelly and I, with the twins will be staying in the Oasis Beach All Inclusive 6 days. We leave on the 18th of Feb, arrive home 23 Feb. Fun in the sun and beach, I cant wait. Michelle and the boys are very excited. I'm hoping I like the hotel. Never stayed there before. But I've been feeling a little stressed out, so this will be a nice relaxing weekend. I'm looking forward to snorkeling, something they have never done, and maybe a day tour to maybe the ruins. I'm also excited about taking pictures, I haven't had the opportunity recently and cant wait to experiment some more. The twins agreed, with some arm twisting, to let me take pictures of them. I told them that I get one hour a day, no questions asked. lol. So I have my own Carlson Twins. So look here and Flickr, soon, Hopefully they will turn out beautifully. I'm sure they will,, I'll have beautiful beaches , and handsome models. Namarie

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Great Return

As you all know, I'm working toward my goal to become and extra in the Hobbit, which begins filming next year 2010. If I'm unable to take a year off of work and move there, then I'm going to go down at least a month and try to get into as many scenes as I can,. That's a given. BUT a few days ago, I signed the twins and I, up to a return to New Zealand !!!! December 2011. The Red Carpet tours ( the tour company we went on in 2006) is taking reservations, for their tour for December 2011, anticipating that like with the LOTR Premiers there will be an overwhelming response. They had over 160 people attending. They are giving everyone an option to reserve your seat, before then. After much mulling and pondering. I sent in my response. The Twins constantly talk of going back, and I knew we would someday, also, its 2 years away, exactly the same amount of time it took for me to raise the money last time,, Its Fate! Not to mention, the boys will be out of high school, 18 years old, and hopefully have jobs, so they can pay their own way. I do expect them to be attending College, but they should be on Christmas break then.. I wrote Vic and Raewyn James owners of Red Carpet Tours, explaining that IF I don't make it into the movie, then the next best thing would be to attend the premier. Tom is so excited he is already planning on a Tattoo!!! Stay tuned, this blog was created to document our trials and tribulations in getting there 2 years ago,, ( that long ago! wow!). I expect the boys to start writing for the blog again, Namarie Max