Tuesday, December 30, 2008

9 1 1 Santas

Pam and I are good friends, we started the academy together,,, she was supposed to mention That I wanted to be in the Hobbit,, I guess she got nervous,,,,but I'm glad to see you mentioned Ann Clancy and family , and her wonderful contributions,,,

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Hobbit Tour Register

Red Carpet ToursVic & Raewyn James from Red Carpet Tours, send this along: Red Carpet Tours is pleased to announce that it has opened a register for LOTR fans wanting to tour at the time of the New Zealand Premiere of “The Hobbit”. We are ‘guesstimating’ that this will probably happen in December, 2011. For the Premiere of “The Return of the King” in December, 2003, 160 fans toured with Red Carpet. If you wish to add your name to ‘The Hobbit Tour 2011’ register, you can email Vic James directly. Meanwhile, Red Carpet Tours’ monthly 12 day LOTR tours continue. The New Zealand dollar is currently @ 57 cents against the U.S. dollar, which makes this a great time to visit Middle Earth!

I've signed us up. I told Vic, that if I cant get into the Hobbit, as an Extra, then I might as well go to the Premier,,,, M

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Boys are Back-Il Divo

Looking for a Date in May, when I get back from Europe, to go with me to theConcert May 20, anyone interested?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Celine Dion

Finally after over a year, 1 cancelled show, and a snowstorm from Hell, My Birthday gift was completed. Mom and I attended Celines Concert. And boy did she deliver, what a fantastic show. We had good seats about row 12, 1 section back, but not nearly as Good as my friend Laura, who had row 7, and Celine walked past less than a foot from her, Not Once, BUT TWICE! And lets not forget I helped LAura get her seats!!!! But I cant complain, Mom got me my ticket for my birthday, so I have to be Happy,, What a fantastic show, Celine has the most powerful and beautiful Voice Ever. I love Her!!!!! We had a great time, dispite the terrible blizzard, andthe 3 hour driving time,,,,,,,, Thanks Celine.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Europe -7 countries

Mom has chosen, and we have picked our furlos at the OEMC. Its May! Mothers Day, how perfect. England, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sweden, and France. Our own Amazing Race. Mom is so excited, I havent seen her like this in a longtime. Of course I am too,, I can't wait to show her Notre Dame. We got an incredible deal. With the economy so bad everywhere, we are walking away with over a thousand dollars, in discounts. Now all thats left is the packing.
I will definitely be taking lots of pictures, and I think I'm going to treat myself to a digital movie camera also,, I think it would be very nice to have video of Mom there,,here is a link to the Tour company we are going thru. She picked this tour, because she can't walk long distances and was afraid the other ones, she would be in pain,, ,,, M

ps,, I think we will be in Paris on Mothers Day, isn't that incredible, to go tomass at Notre Dame on Mothers Day, with my Mother would make everything perfect.